3. Activities of Daily Living

Chapter Sections

3.1 Returning to Work
3.2 Physical Activity and Exercise
3.3 Nutrition
3.4 Prosthetics

Image 16: Family eating at the table
(National Cancer Institute / Unsplash)

National Cancer Institute. (2019). Family eating at the table [Image]. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/family-eating-at-the-table-BQPi8F_UON0

Image 16: Family eating at the table (https://unsplash.com/photos/family-eating-at-the-table-BQPi8F_UON0) by National Cancer Institute, via Unsplash, is used under the Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/license) license.

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Except where otherwise noted, Cancer Care Education on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.