7.2 Post-Surgery Emotions

Learning Objectives

Describe strategies for coping with post-surgery emotions.

7.2.1 Coping with Post-Surgery Emotions

Having breast cancer surgery can bring on a unique set of emotions compared to other forms of treatment (University Health Network, 2019). For example, you may deal with body-image issues related to the loss of your breast(s).

There are a few ways that you can cope with these emotions (University Health Network, 2019). One way is by looking at your scars relatively soon after the surgery has occurred; studies have found that people who look at their surgery scars sooner rather than later have better experiences coping.

Ensure you take some time to reflect on what has happened (University Health Network, 2019). If you had a mastectomy, you are encouraged to take time to grieve the loss of your breast(s), as it can help you accept your new situation.

It is crucial to learn how to process your emotions healthily and productively. If you have any concerns or need more guidance on coping with your post-surgery emotions, ask your healthcare team for assistance.

University Health Network. (2019). Breast cancer: Your emotions, body image and sexual health [Brochure]. https://www.uhn.ca/PatientsFamilies/Health_Information/Health_Topics/Documents/Breast_Cancer_Your_Emotions_Body_Image_and_Sexual_Health.pdf

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