7.4 Talk to Others

Learning Objectives

Identify resources for finding breast cancer support groups.
Identify ways to feel less alone while dealing with breast cancer.

7.4.1 How to Find Support Groups

To find a support group to join, check out the following resources.

BC Cancer has a list of cancer support groups.

Support Programs (BC Cancer, n.d.27)

If you are in the Kamloops area, Kamloops Cancer Connections has various helpful resources, including local support groups.

Kamloops Cancer Connections (Kamloops Cancer Connections, n.d.)

7.4.2 Sensational Survivors (Cancer Survivors)

In Kamloops, BC, Sensational Survivors is a supervised exercise program run by the City of Kamloops (City of Kamloops, n.d.). Sensational Survivors helps women at any stage of cancer, including diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

For more information, check out the City of Kamloops website below.

Sensational Survivors (City of Kamloops, n.d.)

7.4.3 Others’ Stories

Reading about or watching a video of someone’s story can give you hope and make you feel less alone.

BC Cancer has various videos about women dealing with breast cancer, which you can find below.

Patient Stories (BC Cancer, n.d.15)

If you would like to listen to the breast cancer experience of a First Nations person, check out Video 22 (Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, 2010a).

Video 22

The Truth Of It Video Series: Lillian (Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, 2010a)

Chapter 7: Learning Activity

Chapter 7: Assessment

American Institute for Cancer Research. (n.d.). AICR’s foods that fight cancer™ and foods to steer clear of, explained. https://www.aicr.org/cancer-prevention/food-facts/

BC Cancer. (n.d.15). Patient stories. Provincial Health Services Authority. http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/screening/breast/get-a-mammogram/patient-stories

BC Cancer. (n.d.27). Support programs. Provincial Health Services Authority. http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/our-services/services/support-programs

Canadian Cancer Society. (2018b). Life after cancer treatment. https://cdn.cancer.ca/-/media/files/cancer-information/resources/publications/life-after-cancer/32060-life-after-cancer-treatment-en.pdf?rev=ad4b66e5184e460ead7d78e8e6875116&hash=8DC741A1D8B6F08AC362B524BAC96367&_gl=114y8qp9_gcl_auMTk3OTU2NTc2My4xNjk3NTY3MjUz_gaMTI3NTkxMjUyMC4xNjk3NTY3MjUz_ga_23YMKBE2C3*MTY5NzU2NzI1My4xLjEuMTY5NzU2ODAwMy40Mi4wLjA.#_ga=2.118762561.99451721.1697567254-1275912520.1697567253

Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. (2010a, August 8). The Truth of It video series: Lillian [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XupJWFOQnZ4

City of Kamloops. (n.d.). Sensational Survivors. https://www.kamloops.ca/recreation-culture/programs-activities/fitness/chronic-disease-programming/sensational-survivors

Government of Canada. (2007). Mental health – coping with stress. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/healthy-living/your-health/lifestyles/your-health-mental-health-coping-stress-health-canada-2008.html

Kamloops Cancer Connections. (n.d.). Home. https://www.kamloopscancerconnections.ca/

Lundberg, P. C., & Phoosuwan, N. (2022). Life situations of Swedish women after mastectomy due to breast cancer: A qualitative study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 57. https://doi-org.ezproxy.tru.ca/10.1016/j.ejon.2022.102116

National Cancer Institute. (2018). Facing forward: Life after cancer treatment. National Institutes of Health and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.cancer.gov/publications/patient-education/life-after-treatment.pdf

Noveiri, M. J. S., Khodaveisi, M., Shamsaei, F., Vanaki, Z., & Tapak, L. (2022). Identifying important challenges of coping with female breast cancer among Iranian spouses: A qualitative study. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 17(4), 379–387. https://doi.org/10.18502/ijps.v17i4.10686

Video 22: Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. (2010, August 8). The Truth of It video series: Lillian [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XupJWFOQnZ4

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